Flo De Bretagne
Flo de Bretagne is the founder of Paint Strokes of Hope and an award -winning artist. Her paintings fuse bright colors, nature and playful elements of life. A globally exhibited fine artist, Flo de Bretagne has received numerous accolades as a contemporary painter. She was chosen to represent France at the European Contemporary Art Fair in 2005 and her works have been featured throughout the US in galleries and collections such as Living with Art Gallery in NYC, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) Artists Gallery, the Los Gatos Museum of Art, the David Himmelberger Gallery of Art San Francisco, the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and other health facilities in texas. She regularly shows her work in Europe too. Besides her studio work she has painted over 100 murals around the San Francisco Bay Area. Examples of her work can be found at https://www.flodebretagne.com/.

Amanda Yun
Amanda Yun is a high school student and artist, and she has received multiple awards for her work. She has been a student in Flo's painting class for many years and has also worked with Flo on six mural projects throughout the Bay Area.